######################### Known Installation Issues ######################### Hello, Viking's installer will send you to this page when an installation or upgrade fails. Sorry about that. After checking to see if this page has a solution please `contact`_ the software author for assistance. New Installations ----------------- Common installation issues: * Missing packages listed in the `Installation Requirements`_, such as the XNA Redistributable * Missing critical hardware such as a GPU * Very rarely environmental issues such as IT departments blocking connections Existing installations ---------------------- Rarely Viking has incompatibilities with previous versions. The solution is almost always to uninstall Viking using "Add/Remove Programs" in Windows. Then reinstall a fresh download. Possible causes: * Viking's security certificate was updated * Interruption during installation, power failure, etc... Known issues with specific versions of Viking --------------------------------------------- 1.1.270 ======= **2018-07-23** **Existing installations will see an error when upgrading to this version. Users must uninstall and reinstall Viking. Security improvements broke the auto-upgrade ability of previously installed versions. Future versions should upgrade normally.** .. _contact: https://github.com/connectomes/Viking/issues .. _Installation Requirements: http://connectomes.utah.edu/