Known Installation Issues

Hello, Viking’s installer will send you to this page when an installation or upgrade fails. Sorry about that.

After checking to see if this page has a solution please contact the software author for assistance.

New Installations

Common installation issues:

  • Missing packages listed in the Installation Requirements, such as the XNA Redistributable

  • Missing critical hardware such as a GPU

  • Very rarely environmental issues such as IT departments blocking connections

Existing installations

Rarely Viking has incompatibilities with previous versions. The solution is almost always to uninstall Viking using “Add/Remove Programs” in Windows. Then reinstall a fresh download.

Possible causes:

  • Viking’s security certificate was updated

  • Interruption during installation, power failure, etc…

Known issues with specific versions of Viking



Existing installations will see an error when upgrading to this version. Users must uninstall and reinstall Viking. Security improvements broke the auto-upgrade ability of previously installed versions. Future versions should upgrade normally.